April 19: Erotic City show, Salem

Zack will be playing with Erotic City.

Friday night, April 19, 10pm-1am, Duffy’s Hangar, Salem


2350 15th Ave NW, Salem, OR

(503) 581-5278 ‎


More information: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Duffys-hangar/235039806615982?rf=117527961600354

Project on me!

An up-and-coming star in the world of PR, Claire Ion, did a really great project on me and I was honored to be a part of it! She wrote of the challenges of paying the bills while pursuing your passion as a musician.


Download the article by clicking the link below!

Pursuing Your Passion

March 26: Gospel Singers Qingdao concert #2

Zack will be playing keyboard for the University of Oregon gospel singers during their goodwill tour of China.

When: Tuesday March 26, 7:30pm

Where: Qingdao Concert Hall, Qingdao China

Sponsor: Qingdao City Department of Cultural Affairs

March 24: Gospel Singers Qingdao Grand Theater Concert #1

Zack will be playing keyboard for the University of Oregon gospel singers during their goodwill tour of China.


When: Saturday March 23, 2:30pm

Where: Qingdao Grand Theater, Qingdao China